Tag Archives: German Food History

Carnival 2025: Food and Drink Traditions in Germany

Carnival 2025 food and drink traditions in Germany
Carnival, or Karneval, is one of the most exciting and vibrant celebrations in Germany. It is a time for colorful parades, elaborate costumes, and lively street parties. In 2025, Karneval will officially begin on February 27, with Weiberfastnacht (Women’s Carnival Thursday), and will end on March 5, with Aschermittwoch (Ash Wednesday). The high point of the festivities is Rosenmontag (Rose Monday) on March 3, 2025. Although Karneval is famous for its fun and festivities, .

The Delightful Duo: Leberkase with Fried Egg

A slice of Leberkase topped with a perfectly fried egg, served with fresh parsley garnish.
A German Culinary Gem Leberkase, often translated as “liver cheese” but intriguingly devoid of liver, stands as a beloved German specialty. Paired with a perfectly fried egg, this dish transcends its humble origins to become a gourmet experience cherished across Germany and beyond. The Rich History of Leberkase Leberkase traces its roots back to Bavaria, specifically to the 18th century under the reign of Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria. The traditional recipe was developed .