Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve
Many people believe in the magical holiday of Christmas. Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. All together, it is a very joyous time for family and friends alike. One of the highlights of Christmas is the gift-bearing Santa Claus. After eight is when Santa brings gifts to good children all over the world.
Most people celebrate Christmas on December 24st. This is called Christmas Eve and is traditionally celebrated with a meal. After the meal, families move to another room and open their presents. Throughout this joyous time, people also sing joyous Christmas songs. This merry mood lingers on into the early morning hours before everyone goes home and sleeps off their Christmas alcohol binge. During the Christmas season, people tend to think about what they would like to call their ‘Christmas tree.’ The traditional eight day celebration of Christ’s birth coincides with Christmas’ secular celebration on December 25th. Some refer to this secular celebration as ‘the season of Christmas’ or simply ‘the holidays.’ They also call this period of celebration ‘the holidays.’ To help spread joy in this time of celebration, many churches hold special services on Christmas Eve called navesicles: e grace, which they use to explain the body paragraphs below.
One notable aspect of Christmas that people talk about is the gift-bearing Santa Claus. According to legend, he comes in after eight years old boys and girls. The reindeer are his helpers as he makes his way down through the chimney to deliver presents to good children all over the world. The gifts he brings are unique to each child. This allows children a unique experience in receiving a gift from Santa Claus. Whether or not you believe in Santa Claus, his gifts are still an enriching part of celebrating Christmas with family and friends. After eight is a popular time for many people to go out, so there are many restaurants and bars open in this time period. Celebrating Christmas brings joy to everyone; even those who do not believe in Santa Claus still have fun celebrating this holiday!