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Penaten celebrates brand anniversary with limited edition

Penaten Cream from Germany
Celebrating 115 Years: Limited Edition Penaten Cream Tin Special Anniversary Edition In celebration of its 115th anniversary, Penaten is releasing a limited edition of its renowned Penaten cream, featuring a special tin design. This exclusive edition will be available for a short time, making it a must-have for collectors. Trusted by Parents Penaten cream is highly appreciated by many mothers and fathers for its exceptional quality. It is widely used to care for babies .

Order online food, baby food, sweets, coffee and cosmetics from Germany

worldwide shipping from Germany
Welcome to Our German Food and Drugstore Product Shop Discover Quality Products from Germany Dear Customers, Welcome to our online store, where you can find a wide range of food and drugstore products from Germany. Ordering is easy and convenient. All prices are displayed, excluding shipping costs. Shipping costs are automatically calculated based on the weight and destination country and are visible in your shopping cart. Our Offerings Whether you’re looking for baby food, .

Verkkaruoka, lastenruoat, makeiset, kahvi ja kosmetiikka Saksasta

Toimitus Saksasta Suomeen. Toimitus maailmanlaajuisesti
Hyvät asiakkaat! Täältä löydät ruoka- ja apteekkituotteita Saksasta. Voit helposti tilata verkosta täältä. Kaikki hinnat ovat plus lähetyskulut. Toimituskulut lasketaan automaattisesti painon ja kohdemaan perusteella. Tämä laskelma, jonka näet tilauksesi ostoskorissa. Tilaatpa sitten vauvanruokaa, kosmetiikkaa, ravintolisää, valkoista makkaraa Saksasta, kanssamme olet aina oikeassa. Toimitamme nopeasti ja luotettavasti. Kaikki lähetykset ovat jäljitettävissä. Ota jonkin aikaa tutustua kauppaamme rauhassa! Jos olet kiinnostunut myös saksalaisista tuotteista, kerro meille, niin yritämme täyttää toiveesi. Odotamme tilaustasi.

Bia ar líne, bia linbh, milseáin, caife agus cosmaidí ón nGearmáin

Gestuur vanaf Duitsland na Ierland. Wêreldwyd gestuur!
Custaiméirí a chara! Anseo gheobhaidh tú táirgí bia agus cógaisíochta ón nGearmáin. Anseo is féidir leat ordú a dhéanamh ar líne go compordach. Ní áirítear costais loingseoireachta sna praghsanna go léir. Ríomhtar na costais loingseoireachta go huathoibríoch de réir meáchain agus na tíre cinn scríbe. Is é seo an meastachán a fheiceann tú sa chiseán ordaithe. Cibé an ordaíonn tú bia linbh, cosmaidí, forlíonadh aiste bia nó ispíní bán ón nGearmáin, tá tú i .

Aanlyn kos, babakos, lekkers, koffie en skoonheidsmiddels uit Duitsland

Van Duitsland na Afrika gestuur. Wêreldwyd gestuur!
Beste kliënte! Hier vind u voedsel- en kosmetiese produkte uit Duitsland. Hier kan u gemaklik aanlyn bestel. Alle pryse sluit die afleweringskoste uit. Die afleweringskoste word outomaties bereken volgens gewig en land van bestemming. Dit is die skatting wat u in die bestelmandjie sien. Of u babakos, skoonheidsmiddels, dieetaanvulling of witwors uit Duitsland bestel, u het altyd reg. Ons stuur vinnig en betroubaar na Afrika. Alle besendings kan naspeur word. Neem ‘n oomblik om .

Pārtika tiešsaistē, bērnu pārtika, saldumi, kafija un kosmētika no Vācijas

Piegāde no Vācijas uz Latviju. Piegāde visā pasaulē!
Cienījamie klienti! Šeit atradīsit pārtikas un aptieku produktus no Vācijas. Šeit jūs varat ērti pasūtīt tiešsaistē. Visas cenas neietver piegādes izmaksas. Piegādes izmaksas tiek automātiski aprēķinātas atkarībā no svara un galamērķa valsts. Tas ir aprēķins, ko redzat pasūtījumu grozā. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai no Vācijas pasūtāt bērnu pārtiku, kosmētiku, uztura bagātinātājus vai balto desu, ar mums jums vienmēr ir taisnība. Mēs ātri un droši sūtāmies uz Latviju. Visi sūtījumi ir izsekojami. Veltiet laiku, lai .

Cibo online, pappe, dolci, caffè e cosmetici dalla Germania

Spedizione dalla Germania all'Italia. Spedizione in tutto il mondo!
Cari clienti! Qui troverai prodotti alimentari e farmaceutici dalla Germania. Puoi facilmente ordinare online qui. Tutti i prezzi sono più spese di spedizione. Le spese di spedizione vengono calcolate automaticamente in base al peso e al paese di destinazione. Questo calcolo viene visualizzato nel carrello del tuo ordine. Sia che tu ordini alimenti per bambini, cosmetici, integratori alimentari, salsicce bianche dalla Germania, con noi hai sempre ragione. Spediamo in modo rapido e affidabile in .

อาหารออนไลน์, อาหารเด็ก, ขนมหวาน, กาแฟและเครื่องสำอางจากประเทศเยอรมนี

อาหารออนไลน์, อาหารเด็ก, ขนมหวาน, กาแฟและเครื่องสำอางจากประเทศเยอรมนี
สั่งซื้อผลิตภัณฑ์อาหารและเครื่องสำอางจากเยอรมนีออนไลน์ เรียนลูกค้า! ที่นี่คุณจะพบผลิตภัณฑ์อาหารและเครื่องสำอางจากประเทศเยอรมนี คุณสามารถสั่งซื้อออนไลน์ได้อย่างง่ายดาย ราคาทั้งหมดไม่รวมค่าจัดส่ง ค่าจัดส่งจะคำนวณโดยอัตโนมัติตามน้ำหนักและประเทศปลายทาง คุณสามารถเห็นการคำนวณนี้ในตะกร้าสินค้าของคุณ ไม่ว่าคุณจะสั่งอาหารเสริมสำหรับเด็ก เครื่องสำอาง อาหารเสริม หรือไส้กรอกขาวจากเยอรมนี คุณมาถูกที่แล้ว เราจัดส่งสินค้าอย่างรวดเร็วและเชื่อถือได้ถึงประเทศไทย การจัดส่งทั้งหมดสามารถติดตามได้ ใช้เวลาสักครู่เพื่อสำรวจร้านค้าของเรา! หากคุณสนใจในผลิตภัณฑ์จากเยอรมนี แจ้งให้เราทราบ และเราจะพยายามอย่างดีที่สุดเพื่อตอบสนองความต้องการของคุณ เราหวังว่าจะได้รับการสั่งซื้อของคุณ  

德國代購推薦 來自德國的在線食品,嬰兒食品,糖果,咖啡和化妝品

订购来自德国的食品和美容产品 尊敬的客户! 在这里,您可以找到来自德国的食品和美容产品。您可以轻松地在线订购。所有价格不含运费。运费根据重量和目的地国家自动计算,并显示在您的购物车中。无论您订购婴儿食品、化妆品、膳食补充剂或白香肠,我们都能为您提供。我们快速可靠地运送到新加坡、中国和亚洲。所有货物均可追踪。花点时间了解我们的商店吧!如果您对德国的产品有兴趣,请告知我们,我们将尽力满足您的需求。 德国是一个重视美的国家——但美不一定是奢侈。德国人为他们国家的外观感到自豪,尽管有时他们的皮肤看起来可能有些黯淡。这是因为德国大部分护肤品都是进口的。如果德国改用直接交付系统,市民们的外貌会更好,且无需费力尝试。 提供了各种顶级护肤产品,展示了德国护肤品的质量。 哪里可以购买和送货 是一个德国护肤化妆品的推荐网站,库存了世界各地的流行品牌,还备有激光手术和整容手术等专门治疗方法。所有这些顶级产品为德国人提供了多种外观选择。德国的网上购物使得轻松获得最新护肤品成为可能。尽管大部分产品是进口的,但新产品在德国推出的速度略慢于其他国家。然而,通过进口护肤品,德国人找到了对他们国家自然美景的热爱。 这种直接交付系统允许以较低价格进口。由于进口商品价格较低,德国在线购物看起来比以往更好!德国政府通过不进口药品来节省资金,相反,他们以更便宜的价格从国外购买药品。企业喜欢这个系统,因为政府会以较低价格和批量购买。通过这种方式,企业可以提供有竞争力的价格和巨大的销售额。所需的只是降低价格和良好的产品可用性来取悦消费者——而德国就是这样做的!其他国家也应该考虑采用类似德国的系统,优质的美容产品、低廉的药品成本和在线购物机会使得他们的人口看起来很好,感觉也很好。 德國護膚品 德國生活百貨 德國藥妝必買! 德国世界上最权威的检验检测检测标准 品质值得! 我们期待您的订单。德国直送,德国护肤品牌。  

Comida on-line, comida para bebê, doces, café e cosméticos da Alemanha

transporte mundial da Alemanha
Encomende Produtos Alimentícios e Cosméticos da Alemanha Caros clientes! Aqui você encontrará produtos alimentícios e cosméticos da Alemanha. É fácil fazer sua encomenda online. Todos os preços excluem o frete. Os custos de envio são calculados automaticamente com base no peso e no país de destino, e você pode ver este cálculo no carrinho de compras do seu pedido. Seja para comida para bebê, cosméticos, vitamina E ou salsicha branca da Alemanha, com a .

شراء المواد الغذائية والحلويات والقهوة ومستحضرات التجميل من ألمانيا عبر الانترنت

الشحن في جميع أنحاء العالم من ألمانيا
أيها العملاء، ستجدون هنا منتجات غذائية وصيدلية من ألمانيا. يمكنكم بسهولة الطلب عبر الإنترنت هنا. جميع الأسعار متضمنة تكاليف الشحن، حيث يتم حساب تكاليف الشحن تلقائيًا استنادًا إلى الوزن وبلد الوجهة. ستظهر هذه التكاليف في سلة التسوق أثناء عملية الطلب. سواء كنتم تطلبون أغذية للأطفال أو مستحضرات تجميل أو فيتامين E أو نقانق بيضاء من ألمانيا، فأنتم دائمًا على الطريق الصحيح. نحن نقوم بالشحن بسرعة وبشكل موثوق، على سبيل المثال إلى البحرين وقطر وعمان .

독일의 온라인 음식, 이유식, 과자, 커피 및 화장품

독일에서 전세계 배송
독일 식품 및 화장품 온라인 주문 친애하는 고객! 여기서 독일의 식품 및 화장품을 찾을 수 있습니다. 온라인으로 쉽게 주문할 수 있습니다. 모든 가격에 배송비가 추가됩니다. 배송비는 무게와 목적지 국가를 기준으로 자동 계산되며, 이 계산은 주문 장바구니에 표시됩니다. 이유식, 화장품, 비타민 E, 독일의 흰색 소시지를 주문하든, 저희가 항상 맞습니다. 우리는 한국에 빠르고 안정적으로 배송합니다. 모든 발송물은 추적 가능합니다. 시간을 내어 저희 가게를 알아보세요! 독일 제품에 관심이 있으시면 저희에게 알려주시면 최선을 다해 고객의 희망을 충족시키겠습니다. 우리는 .

Германиядан келген онлайн тамақ, балалар тағамы, тәттілер, кофе және косметика

Германиядан бүкіл әлем бойынша жүк тасымалдау
Германиядан азық-түлік пен косметикалық өнімдерді тапсырыс беру Құрметті клиенттер! Мұнда сіз Германиядан азық-түлік пен косметикалық өнімдерді таба аласыз. Интернетте оңай тапсырыс бере аласыз. Барлық бағалар жеткізу құнынан бөлек көрсетіледі. Жеткізу құны салмағы мен тағайындалған елге байланысты автоматты түрде есептеледі және оны тапсырыс себетінде көре аласыз. Балалар тағамы, косметика, Е дәрумені немесе ақ шұжық тапсырыс берсеңіз де, біз сізге әрдайым дұрыс таңдауды қамтамасыз етеміз. Біз Қазақстанға жылдам және сенімді жеткіземіз. Барлық жеткізілімдер бақыланады. Дүкенімізбен тыныштықта .


親愛なる顧客へ こちらでは、ドイツの食品やドラッグストア製品を取り揃えています。オンラインで簡単に注文でき、全ての価格には送料が加算されます。送料は重量と仕向国に基づいて自動計算され、注文のショッピングカートに表示されます。 ドイツのベビーフード、化粧品、ビタミンE、ホワイトソーセージなど、何を注文しても、私たちは常にお客様のご期待に応えます。迅速かつ確実に日本へ発送し、すべての貨物は追跡可能です。ぜひ、当店の商品をゆっくりとご覧ください。もし他のドイツ製品にご興味があれば、お知らせください。お客様の希望を満たすために全力を尽くします。 ご注文をお待ちしております

Alimentos en línea, alimentos para bebés, dulces, café y cosméticos de Alemania

Varios paquetes de GermanBuy.netque muestran productos alemanes listos para el envío.
Estimados clientes En, encontrará una amplia variedad de productos alimenticios y de farmacia de Alemania. Realice sus pedidos fácilmente en línea. Todos los precios incluyen los gastos de envío, los cuales se calculan automáticamente según el peso y el país de destino. Esta información se muestra en el carrito de compras de su pedido. Ya sea que solicite alimentos para bebés, cosméticos, vitamina E o salchichas blancas alemanas, siempre encontrará lo que busca .

Netmat, barnamatur, sælgæti, kaffi og snyrtivörur frá Þýskalandi

Margar pakkningar frá sem sýna þýskar vörur tilbúnar til sendingar.
Kæru viðskiptavinir Hér hjá finnur þú fjölbreytt úrval af matvælum og lyfjavörum frá Þýskalandi. Þú getur auðveldlega pantað á netinu og fengið vörurnar sendar fljótt og áreiðanlega. Allar verðlagningar fela í sér sendingarkostnað, sem reiknast sjálfkrafa út frá þyngd og ákvörðunarlandi og birtist í innkaupakörfu pöntunarinnar. Hvort sem þú ert að leita að barnamat, snyrtivörum, E-vítamíni eða þýskum pylsum, þá hefur þú alltaf rétt fyrir þér hjá okkur. Við tryggjum rekjanlegar sendingar til .

Almaniyadan onlayn yemək, uşaq qidası, şirniyyat, qəhvə və kosmetika

Almaniyadan gətirilmiş müxtəlif məhsullarla dolu bir neçə paket.
Əziz müştərilər, Bizim saytda Almaniyadan gətirilmiş ərzaq və qida əlavələri məhsullarını tapa bilərsiniz. Onlayn sifariş vermək çox asandır və bütün qiymətlərə əlavə olaraq çatdırılma xərcləri daxil edilir. Çatdırılma xərcləri çəki və təyinat ölkəsinə görə avtomatik olaraq hesablanır və sifarişin səbətində göstərilir. Körpə qidası, kosmetika, E vitamini və ya ağ kolbasa sifariş etmək istəsəniz də, bizimlə həmişə doğru seçim edirsiniz. Biz Azərbaycana sürətli və etibarlı çatdırılma təmin edirik və bütün yüklər izlənilə bilər. Mağazamızı sakitliklə .

אוכל מקוון, אוכל לתינוקות, ממתקים, קפה וקוסמטיקה מגרמניה

חבילות עם מוצרים מגרמניה מוכנות למשלוח.
לקוחות נכבדים, כאן תמצאו מוצרי מזון, תוספי תזונה וקוסמטיקה מגרמניה. ניתן להזמין בנוחות אונליין. כל המחירים הם בתוספת דמי משלוח. דמי המשלוח מחושבים אוטומטית לפי המשקל ויעד ההזמנה, ונראים בעגלת הקניות של ההזמנה שלכם. בין אם תזמינו מים לתינוקות או תה לתינוקות, קוסמטיקה, תוספי תזונה ויטמינים, סוכריות נגד שיעול, תבלינים או נקניקיות לבנות מגרמניה, תמיד תהיו בטוחים איתנו. אנו שולחים במהירות ובאמינות לישראל. כל המשלוחים ניתנים למעקב. קחו את הזמן להכיר את החנות שלנו .

Nettmat, babymat, søtsaker, kaffe og kosmetikk fra Tyskland

Flere pakker med tyske produkter klare for levering.
Kjære kunder, Her finner du matvarer, kosttilskudd og kosmetikk fra Tyskland. Du kan enkelt bestille online. Alle priser er ekskl. frakt. Fraktkostnadene beregnes automatisk basert på vekt og destinasjonsland. Denne beregningen vises i handlekurven på bestillingen din. Enten du bestiller babymat eller babyte, kosmetikk, vitamin-tilskudd, hostebonbons, krydder eller hvitpølse fra Tyskland, har du alltid rett hos oss. Vi sender raskt og pålitelig til Norge. Alle forsendelser er sporbare. Ta deg tid til å bli .

Aliments en ligne, aliments pour bébés, sucreries, café et cosmétiques de l’Allemagne

Plusieurs paquets de produits d'Allemagne prêts pour l'expédition.
Chers clients, Vous trouverez ici une large gamme de produits alimentaires, de compléments alimentaires et de cosmétiques d’Allemagne. Commandez facilement en ligne avec nous. Tous les prix excluent les frais de port, calculés automatiquement en fonction du poids et du pays de destination, et visibles dans le panier de votre commande. Que vous commandiez de l’eau pour bébé, du thé pour bébé, des cosmétiques, des compléments alimentaires à base de vitamines, des bonbons contre .

Thực phẩm trực tuyến, thức ăn cho trẻ em, đồ ngọt, cà phê và mỹ phẩm từ Đức

vận chuyển trên toàn thế giới từ Đức
Chào quý khách hàng thân yêu, Chào mừng bạn đến với, cửa hàng trực tuyến của chúng tôi về thực phẩm và sản phẩm làm đẹp đến từ Đức! Chúng tôi rất vui mừng khi bạn đã tìm đến với chúng tôi. Hãy cùng khám phá những kho báu ẩm thực và chăm sóc da từ Đức. Thực phẩm và sản phẩm làm đẹp Đức Danh mục sản phẩm của chúng tôi bao .

Приобретайте продукцию из Германии онлайн! Косметика, кофе, конфеты и еда на любой вкус.

Несколько пакетов с немецкими продуктами, готовыми к отправке.
Уважаемые клиенты, Здесь вы найдете продукты питания, пищевые добавки и косметику из Германии. Вы можете легко заказать онлайн. Все цены указаны с учетом доставки. Стоимость доставки рассчитывается автоматически в зависимости от веса и страны назначения, и эта информация отображается в корзине вашего заказа. Будь то детское питание, косметика, витамин D3 добавки или белые колбасы из Германии – с нами вы всегда сделаете правильный выбор. Мы быстро и надежно доставляем заказы, например, в Армению, Азербайджан, .

Cologne Cathedral: A Gothic Marvel in North Rhine-Westphalia

Cologne Cathedral
Cologne Cathedral, officially known as Hohe Domkirche Sankt Petrus, is a magnificent Gothic masterpiece located in Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. As one of the most iconic landmarks in the country, it holds a special place in the hearts of both locals and visitors. A Brief History Ancient Site: When construction began in 1248, the site had already been occupied by several previous structures. The builders envisioned a grand cathedral to house the reliquary of the .

Ferrero Pocket Coffee available after summer break

Freshly arrived Ferrero Pocket Coffee packages ready for order.
Since September 25, 2019 Fresh items have arrived after the summer break! Ferrero Pocket Coffee is now available! Order your Ferrero Pocket Coffee today from our store. Enjoy the fresh Ferrero Pocket Coffee

View from Television Tower in Berlin-Mitte

View from the TV tower in Berlin-Mitte
View from the Fernsehturm Berlin: A Skyward Adventure The Fernsehturm Berlin stands tall and proud, piercing the city’s skyline like a futuristic needle. Its 368-meter height makes it not only the tallest structure in Berlin but also one of the most recognizable landmarks in all of Germany. As you ascend its dizzying heights, prepare to be captivated by panoramic vistas that stretch far beyond the city limits. The Ascent Your journey begins at the .

Ferrero summer break is over

Freshly arrived Ferrero Pocket Coffee packages ready for order.
Start of Chocolate Season 2018 Fresh items have arrived after the summer break! Ferrero Pocket Coffee is now available. Order your Ferrero Pocket Coffee today from GermanBuy! Enjoy Fresh Ferrero Pocket Coffee

Town Hall Building and Tower in Berlin-Spandau

The historic Town Hall Building and Tower in Berlin-Spandau, Germany.
The Town Hall Building and Tower in Berlin-Spandau Discover the historic Town Hall Building and Tower in Berlin-Spandau, Germany. This architectural gem stands as a testament to the rich history and cultural heritage of the area. A Glimpse into Berlin-Spandau’s History The Town Hall Building, with its impressive tower, is a notable landmark in Berlin-Spandau. Its architectural design reflects the historical significance of the region. Visitors can explore the tower and enjoy stunning views .

Nivea in Berlin, Germany

Nivea House Berlin
A Must-Visit for NIVEA Fans If you find yourself strolling along the historic Unter den Linden street in Berlin, make sure to stop by the iconic NIVEA Haus. Nestled not far from the famous Brandenburger Tor and the S-Bahn station Friedrichstrasse, this charming establishment is a haven for skincare enthusiasts and NIVEA aficionados. What Is the NIVEA Haus? The NIVEA Haus is more than just a shop; it’s an experience. Here’s what you can expect .

Summer Blossoms: The Elegance of German Black Elder Flowers

German black elder flowers
Discover the Magic of German Black Elder Flowers Explore the elegance of German black elder (Sambucus nigra) flowers as summer unfolds. Learn how these delicate blossoms transform into homemade syrups for refreshing lemonades and effervescent elderflower sparkling wine. Dive into a season’s legacy etched in elderflower petals. A Sunny Prelude The sun emerged from behind the clouds, casting a warm glow across the meadows. Summer had arrived, and with it came the promise of .

4711: A Fragrance Legacy

Glockengasse 4711 Cologne
Discover the Timeless Elegance of Echt Kölnisch Wasser The Scent of History 4711, also known as Echt Kölnisch Wasser, is more than just a fragrance—it’s a piece of olfactory history. For over two centuries, this iconic German Eau de Cologne has graced the streets of Cologne, captivating hearts and senses alike. Origins and Legend In the early 18th century, an Italian named Johann Maria Farina settled in Cologne, Germany. Inspired by his new home, he .

Spring in Germany: A Season of Renewal and Shopping

Spring in Germany
As winter’s chill retreats, spring bursts forth across the picturesque landscapes of Germany. This vibrant season brings with it a sense of renewal, blossoming flowers, and longer days. But it’s not just nature that awakens—shoppers also emerge from hibernation, eager to explore the latest trends and indulge in delightful purchases. Why Spring in Germany is Special Cherry Blossoms: Stroll through parks and gardens adorned with delicate pink and white cherry blossoms. The iconic Berlin and Hamburg offer some of the .

German Grocery Online Store: Shipping Every Business Day To Worldwide Destinations
Day for day we ship German cosmetics, German groceries and many more to our expensive buyers from all over the world. International shipping is our daily business. At, we take pride in offering the finest and original German foods to customers around the globe. Our commitment to quality, freshness, and exceptional service sets us apart. Whether you’re a seasoned customer or new to our online store, we’re here to cater to your culinary needs. .

Nivea Eau de Toilette from Germany

NIVEA Eau de Toilette from Germany
Discover the Iconic Fragrance of NIVEA   NIVEA, a name synonymous with care, comfort, and classic beauty, has been a trusted companion for over a century. From the iconic blue tin of NIVEA Cream to the gentle touch it imparts, NIVEA has woven itself into our lives. Now, imagine capturing that essence—the very soul of NIVEA—in a delicate bottle. Enter NIVEA Eau de Toilette. The Fragrance Journey Citrus Notes and Precious Lavender NIVEA Eau de .

The logic for buying Chocolate from Germany

Chocolate shipping terms
Shipping Terms for Chocolate Orders to Warm Weather Destinations Shipping Restrictions: We can only ship chocolate products to cool weather destinations worldwide. Due to the sensitivity of chocolate to heat, we cannot guarantee the quality of chocolate products shipped to warm weather locations. Responsibility and Risk: We cannot be held responsible for any chocolate products that arrive damaged due to heat, regardless of the chosen shipping method. All chocolate orders are shipped at your .

Find and Buy at your german stuff

Here at is the right place of where to purchase authentic German food products online to great results when you are cooking German food. German Cosmetics Online: Take care of your body and skin the way you did back in Germany with popular german drugstore products,  we shipping from monday – friday (excl. local and public holidays in Germany) directly from Germany with Deutsche Post – WORLDWIDE!

If you have any question or you need something special from Germany, please feel free and contact us!