Scho-Ka-Kola: The Caffeine-Packed Chocolate

Scho-Ka-Kola - Caffeine Dark Bitter Chocolate Power Energizer

Scho-Ka-Kola – Caffeine Dark Bitter Chocolate Power Energizer

Scho-Ka-Kola is more than just a chocolate bar; it’s a piece of German culinary heritage. Let’s dive into the fascinating story behind this iconic treat.

Scho-Ka-Kola, a beloved German brand of chocolate, has captured the hearts (and taste buds) of chocolate enthusiasts for decades. But what sets it apart? The answer lies in its potent blend of caffeine and kola nut, making it a favorite among those seeking an energy boost. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of Scho-Ka-Kola and explore its caffeinated secrets.

The Ingredients

  1. Cocoa Content: At the heart of Scho-Ka-Kola lies its rich cocoa content, which stands at an impressive 58 percent. This high-quality cocoa not only contributes to the chocolate’s flavor but also provides a foundation for its caffeine content.
  2. Roasted Coffee: Scho-Ka-Kola doesn’t stop at cocoa. It boldly adds 2.6 percent roasted coffee to the mix. Imagine the delightful fusion of chocolate and your morning cup of joe—pure bliss!
  3. Kola Nut: The pièce de résistance is the 1.6 percent kola nut. Kola nuts contain natural caffeine and have been used traditionally for their stimulating properties. When combined with chocolate, they create a harmonious blend that awakens the senses.

The Numbers

  • Each 100-gram container of Scho-Ka-Kola boasts a total caffeine content of approximately 200 milligrams. That’s equivalent to the caffeine kick you’d get from a strong cup of coffee.
  • The chocolate is thoughtfully divided into 16 individual embossed portions. Each portion provides roughly 12.5 milligrams of caffeine. So, when you enjoy a wedge of Scho-Ka-Kola, you’re savoring a mini energy boost.

Historical Significance

  • Scho-Ka-Kola has a storied past. It was created in 1935 and patented by the Hildebrand, Kakao- und Schokoladenfabrik manufacturer in Berlin. The name itself—Scho-Ka-Kola—stands for Schokolade – Kaffee – Kolanuss (Chocolate – Coffee – Kola Nut).
  • During World War II, Scho-Ka-Kola became colloquially known as the “Aviator Chocolate”. It was a staple in Luftwaffe pilot and crew rations, keeping them alert during night-bombing missions. It even found its way to German tank crews, U-boat crews, and the German Army.


Next time you unwrap a piece of Scho-Ka-Kola, appreciate the synergy of cocoa, coffee, and kola nut. Whether you’re a history buff or simply a chocolate lover, this caffeinated delight has stood the test of time. So, go ahead—indulge in a wedge of Scho-Ka-Kola and experience a chocolate like no other!

Remember: 8 portions of Scho-Ka-Kola contain about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. Happy snacking! 🍫☕


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