
HiPP Baby Natural Mineral Water – 1 Liter / 33.8 fl oz

(3 customer reviews)

Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $3.50.

HiPP Baby Natural Mineral Water to ensure safety when feeding your baby, from Germany


HiPP Baby Mineral Water


The HiPP Baby mineral water comes from the rock depths of the Chiemgau mountains and is of original purity: natural water taken directly from the Siegsdorfer Petrusquelle and bottled immediately. Low in sodium and strictly controlled: Mineral water that is suitable for the preparation of baby food must comply with specific limit values for minerals and be low in sodium. In addition, the water quality is permanently and strictly controlled. HiPP Baby mineral water meets these requirements and guarantees the perfect quality of the mineral water.


For safe and balanced nutrition for your baby:

  • – still natural mineral water, of original purity
  • – ready to use without boiling
  • – for the preparation of milk foods, paps or tea
  • – for mixing with HiPP juices
  • – ideal thirst quencher
  • – taken directly and bottled immediately
  • – strictly controlled
  • – naturally gluten free


On the go and when travelling, HiPP water is a safer alternative to tap water. HiPP baby water is also suitable for preparing coffee and tea.


Content: 1 Liter / 33.8 Fluid Ounces 


Made in Germany

Additional information

Weight 1.4 kg





Original German Language Edition

German product description

Natürliches Mineralwasser aus der Siegsdorfer Petrusquelle


1 Liter / 33.8 Fluid Ounces

How to use

After opening, the HiPP Baby mineral water can be used without boiling. Keep the opened bottle closed and cool. From 24 hours after opening, we recommend boiling the HiPP Baby mineral water before use.


No permanent sucking! Every drink can cause tooth damage (cavities) if you suck it from the bottle frequently or for a long time. Therefore: Do not leave bottles to the baby to constantly suckle, as a soother or to help them fall asleep. Always hold the feeding bottle yourself and let it drink quickly. Ensure regular dental care from the very first tooth. Get baby used to drinking from the cup from the 8th month.

Name and location of the water source

Siegsdorfer Petrusquelle, Siegsdorf (Germany)


Natural mineral water, still

Country/Region of Manufacture


Int. product description

Arabic: مياه معدنية طبيعية هادئة من جبال الألب في آلغو، ألمانيا. تحتوي المياه على نسبة قليلة من الصوديوم. مثالية لتغذية الرضع. جاهزة للاستخدام بدون غليان.

Armenian: Բնական հանգիստ հանքային ջուր Ալպերից, Ալգոյից, Գերմանիա: Ջուրը ցածր նատրիումի պարունակություն ունի: Հարմար է մանկական սննդի համար: Պատրաստ է օգտագործման առանց եռացման:

Chinese: 来自德国阿尔高阿尔卑斯山的天然静矿泉水。水的钠含量低。婴儿食品的理想选择。无需煮沸即可使用。

French: Eau minérale naturelle plate des Alpes d'Allgäu, Allemagne. L'eau est pauvre en sodium. Idéale pour les aliments pour bébés. Prête à l'emploi sans ébullition.

Greek: Φυσικό ήρεμο μεταλλικό νερό από τις Άλπεις του Αλγκόι, Γερμανία. Το νερό έχει χαμηλή περιεκτικότητα σε νάτριο. Ιδανικό για βρεφικές τροφές. Έτοιμο προς χρήση χωρίς βρασμό.

Hebrew: מים מינרליים טבעיים רגועים מהרי האלפים של אלגאו, גרמניה. המים דלים בנתרן. אידיאליים למזון תינוקות. מוכנים לשימוש ללא רתיחה.

Japanese: ドイツ・アルゴイアルプスの天然スティルミネラルウォーター。水はナトリウムが少ない。ベビーフードに最適です。沸騰させずにそのまま使えます。

Persian: آب معدنی طبیعی بدون گاز از آلپ آلگو، آلمان. آب کم سدیم است. ایده آل برای غذای کودک. آماده برای استفاده بدون جوشاندن.

Portuguese: Água mineral natural sem gás dos Alpes de Allgäu, Alemanha. A água tem baixo teor de sódio. Ideal para alimentos para bebês. Pronto para usar sem ferver.

Spanish: Agua mineral natural sin gas de los Alpes de Allgäu, Alemania. El agua tiene bajo contenido de sodio. Ideal para la comida de bebé. Lista para usar sin necesidad de hervir.

3 reviews for HiPP Baby Natural Mineral Water – 1 Liter / 33.8 fl oz

  1. Charlotte M.

    As a parent, I prioritize my baby’s well-being. That’s why I trust HiPP Baby Natural Mineral Water. Sourced from the pristine depths of the Chiemgau mountains, this water is pure and gentle. It’s perfect for preparing infant formula. Plus, the convenience of immediate bottling ensures freshness. HiPP, you’ve got my vote! I understand that shipping costs are calculated based on weight and are understandably high from Germany to Canada due to the distance. However, I am ultimately very satisfied with the product for my child.

  2. Jennifer I.

    I trust HiPP Baby Water for my baby; it’s ready to use right after opening, and the 11-day shipping from Germany to Grand Prairie, TX was worth it! 🚼💧

  3. Sina J.

    HiPP Baby Natural Mineral Water – 1 Liter is perfect for keeping your little one hydrated with its gentle, natural composition, offering peace of mind knowing it’s safe and ideal for their sensitive tummy. It arrived quickly from Germany, and it’s the best water for my little boy.

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